Does your parish need a spiritual boost?
Are the members of your parish community hungry for an encounter with Christ, the Redeemer, and his life-giving message?
The Redemptorist Mission Team
We are ready and willing to work with your parish for an experience of grace and renewal through dynamic life-giving preaching.
Through SCRIPTURE, STORY, SONG, PRAYER AND FELLOWSHIP a Redemptorist Mission can move the hearts of all and stir them to ongoing conversion.
The Redemptorist Mission Team
Through the parish mission experience you can offer your community, including parishioners of all ages, all economic, educational and vocational backgrounds, and various cultural and ethnic backgrounds (in English and Spanish) a time to:
RENEW their faith;
RECONNECT with their brothers and sisters in faith, members of community;
RECOMMIT themselves as the disciples of Jesus, the Redeemer, in the world today.